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  • Writer's pictureAnoushka Khanna

5 Foods your dog should ABSOLUTELY avoid

Is a treat from the table OK for your dog? That depends on what it is.

1. Chocolate: Regardless of how delicious chocolate may be for both people and dogs, it is another food that is lethal to dogs. Theobromine, a stimulant found in chocolate (dark chocolate having the highest concentration), is poisonous to dogs and can cause kidney failure, vomiting and diarrhoea. It can also cause heart problems, tremors, seizures, and death

2. Artificial sweetener (Xylitol): Xylitol is used to sweeten candy, gum, toothpaste, baked goods, and some diet meals. It can result in liver failure and a reduction in your dog's blood sugar. Vomiting, drowsiness, and difficulties with coordination are among the early signs. Your dog might eventually experience seizures. In a few days, the liver may fail.

3. Onions and Garlic. Staples in the human diet, a member of the Allium family together with onions, leeks, and chives, garlic is five times more hazardous to dogs than the other Allium species. Dogs who consume garlic run the risk of developing anaemia, which can result in symptoms including pale gums, rapid heartbeat, weakness, and collapse. If you suspect your dog has eaten any garlic or onions, keep an eye on him or her for a few days, not only immediately away. Garlic and onion poisoning can have delayed symptoms.

4. Avacado: Another food that is harmful to dogs is avocados. The leaves, fruit, and seeds of avocado plants contain a chemical called persin, which can make dogs throw up and have diarrhoea.

5. Alcohol: Alcohol affects a dog's liver and brain in the same way as it does humans. However, it only takes much less to harm your dog. Even a small amount of beer, liquor, wine, or alcoholic cuisine can be harmful. It may result in nausea, diarrhoea, difficulty with balance, respiration, coma, or even death. And it may be harsher the smaller your dog is.

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